如果你的 macOS 在 High Sierra 更新之後出現 finder 中的檔案消失不見,圖示無法正常顯示的狀況,可以先重新開機,在重新開機時按住 shift 不放以進入安全模式。如果在安全模式中可以正常看到檔案的話,問題就解決囉!如果有其他疑難雜症,請繼續使用搜尋引擎找尋其他解法吧!
If you encounter file or icon missing in your Finder after updating your macOS to High Sierra. Please restart your Mac and then press shift key during the restart process to get into safe mode. Hope your file system would back to normal. If not, please search other solutions. However, this simple method works for me!